- by breakdengue

Manu Toigo: Naked, afraid & battling dengue:

Manu Toigo from Discovery Channel's, Naked and Afraid image

Manu Toigo knows that celebrity status is no protector against dengue fever or the diseases spread by Aedes aegypti mosquitoes. Dengue and other vector-borne diseases do not pick their victims. Present in so many parts of the world, these diseases are among the greatest contributors to human mortality. As today marks World Health Day and the World Health Organization focuses on how such a small bite can be a big threat, We want to share with you just how debilitating dengue can be.

Read why communities are key to dengue vaccine effectiveness

Special operations and survival training came in handy when Manu Toigo joined Discovery Channel’s Naked and Afraid. In the Panamanian Jungle she dealt with a lot of things, but nothing could have prepared her for the effects of dengue. Click below to hear her story.


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