- por Vincent Vanzeveren

Break Dengue at TEDxGateway, Mumbai

In India, dengue has been declared hyperendemic by the World Health Organisation (WHO); and since 2007, the disease has steadily been on the rise. In fact, over the past two years the number of reported cases of dengue fever in India has more than doubled, but most healthcare professionals suggest that the actual number is in fact much, much higher.

chart-break-dengueThe surging number of cases in India is mostly attributed to the rise of breeding grounds for the Aedes aegypti mosquito brought about by unplanned urban development and stagnant pools of water, among other things. With a growing need to raise awareness and seek out a solution to the widespread malady in the country, Break Dengue will be announcing something interesting at TEDxGateway in Mumbai, India on December 8. Don’t miss the surprise news from Philip Weiss during his TEDxGateway speech. Stay tuned to find out more.